Established in 2013, Recycle-it is a recycling program for primary school children focused on the recycling
of empty printer cartridges (‘empties’) with the hope of promoting a recycling-lifestyle amongst young people.
Learners are encouraged to collect all empties from home, parents’ places of work and businesses in their
area and then take them to school. These empties are then collected on a weekly basis from their school by staff
sponsored by Cartridge Guys. All contributions are rewarded with a small gift, and points are also awarded which count towards the Competitions for most empties collected – more on this a bit later.

Our first collection at Laerskool Pretoria-Oos, October 2013.
Empty ink or toner printer cartridges – The program requires that learners hand in any empty printer cartridge they
can find at home, workplaces of parents and family or any person in their area willing to make a contribution, and then hand them in at school.
Empty Printer Cartridges come in many different shapes and sizes - below are some examples of what is needed:

Although ALL empties are welcome, empties of the brand names below are preferred because they have the best
chance of being remanufactured and it is through remanufacturing that we reduce pollution – more on this in our ‘Features’ section. Empties of these brand names also award the most points.

When a school chooses to become involved in our Recycle-It Programme, a suitable time and place for handing-in of empties will be determined eg. Every Friday, first break on the Square.
This is a weekly appointment and Cartridge Guys will send staff, for the duration of each school term,
to set up a collection point at the agreed upon time and place. The learners then hand in their empties at the collection point and receive their Reward and points are allocated on a class list.
Recycle-it is a competition-based program whereby points are awarded for empties brought in and the most points determine the winners.
Read more on the nature of the competition under ‘REWARDS’, below. Points are awarded as follows:
6 Points – Purchase of a GREEN (Remanufactured) TONER PRODUCT (Show Invoice)
5 Points – Purchase of a GREEN (Remanufactured) INK PRODUCTS (Show Invoice)
4 Points – Original empty TONER Cartridge (From the “Preferred” list above)
3 Points – Original empty INK Cartridge (From the “Preferred” list above)
2 Points – Generic or ‘Other’ empty Toner Cartridge
1 Point – Generic or ‘other’ empty Ink Cartridge
Points are recorded on a class list and totalled per quarter, whereby winning classes per school, are determined for QUARTERLY REWARDS, and the end of the THIRD QUARTER, for ANNUAL and INDIVIDUAL PRIZES.
Yes! Good behaviour is rewarded in the hopes that the young ones will adopt recycling as part of their lifestyle. Learners can look forward to the following rewards at the following times:
A small Gift Bag with a sweet and a simple toy for every contribution, big or small.
The top three classes per school who handed in the most empties are rewarded as follows:
1) Romans Pizza (Small (S) Romans Pizza for every child in the class)
2) Ice-Cream (Kiddies Cup, mixed flavours)
3) Sweetie Bag (Mixture of chips/sweets – lollipops, toffees, fizzers etc.
INTER-SCHOOL/ANNUALLY – End of Third Quarter:
The winning class, out of ALL participating school, that handed in the most empties for the year (end third quarter)
are treated to a class party, at the school, with Jumping Castles, Slip-n-Slides, Romans Pizza, Cold Drinks and Sweets.

2016 Overall Class-winners enjoy their party!
Inter-School Individual Winners are awarded the following CASH PRIZES:
1) R1 000.00
2) R800.00
3) R500.00

2016 Individial Winners receive CASH PRIZES from Cartridge Guy Christo Willers!
Yes, get involved! For more information on the Recycle-It Program and to get involved please call today: